What Is Hypnosis?
What Is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a trance state characterized by
extreme suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination.
It is most often compared to daydreaming, or the feeling of "losing yourself" in a book or movie. You are fully conscious, but you tune out most of the stimuli around you.
The video below provides an entertaining "street science" explanation of how hypnosis actually works.
You focus intently on the subject at hand, to the near exclusion of any other thoughts.
Through hypnosis sessions you will be able to access and heal painful memories, conquer irrational fears and obstacles to a happy life, and achieve your highest goals and aspirations by retraining your subconscious to work for you to activate your limitless potential.
Hypnosis is a relaxed, focused state of concentration. You may not be aware of it, but you are in a natural state of hypnosis several times a day. Have you ever been completely "absorbed" in a book or TV program to the exclusion of everything else? Your concentration was completely focused so that everything else faded away from your consciousness. Have you ever arrived at your destination without consciously being aware of the actual process of driving? Your subconscious is in charge of repetitious, learned behavior and you can drive safely while your conscious mind is otherwise engaged.
So, you see, hypnosis is not an unusual state of mind.
This is why some people undergo hypnosis successfully and yet think they were not in a trance or hypnotized.
Most people simply feel deeply relaxed.
The Hypnotherapist guides you from the waking state (beta brain wave) to the alpha state (your brain changes to an alpha wave just before sleep, producing a very dreamy, pleasant state). You do not go to sleep during hypnosis. While you are in the alpha state your mind is very open to visualizations and creating a rich sensory experience. At this point, you can directly access your subconscious to make suggestions for beneficial and permanent change. The more real the experience becomes in the subconscious mind during this state, the more effect it will have on your waking behavior. A professional hypnotherapist will use techniques of ”interactive guided imagery” to help you achieve your goals by use of specific, agreed-upon suggestions to the subconscious.
Hypnosis is also commonly used for medical and dental procedures, including major surgery. Advantages of medical hypnosis include (but are not limited to) less bleeding, faster recovery time, and the need for fewer postoperative medications.
During hypnosis you will reach a natural, normal, relaxed and focused state of attention, characterized by feelings of well-being, increased muscle relaxation, and the ability to accept new ideas and beliefs about yourself, so long as they are not in conflict with your personal values.
Hypnosis is a hyper-state of awareness and an interactive process.
You will be completely aware of everything occurring in the surrounding environment as well as that which is happening in your inner mind.
Many authors in the field feel that hypnosis is a state of consciousness somewhere between being awake and asleep.
Most people think hypnosis is a trick. Hypnotist and acclaimed Filmmaker Albert Nerenberg asks, "What happens if you run a series of standard hypnotic inductions on a large crowd such as the audience at TEDXQueens."
Is hypnosis fake? Let’s find out. The results are stunning.
This comical presentation provides a "street science" explanation of how hypnosis actually works.
Web Design and Video Production by Richard Quinn | www.richardquinn.org
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